
MKD Technologies, Inc.

VID # 1200012674300 / 37836

MKD Technologies, Inc. was founded and incorporated in the State of Texas on April 21, 2003. It is an established company based in Austin, Texas with more than 19 years experience successfully serving its customers. The company became a State of Texas Catalog Information Systems Vendor (CISV) in 2004 and a Texas Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) vendor in 2007.

DIR Vendor Contact Information

Contact Person: Michael Daskalantonakis
Phone #: 512-301-3170
E-Mail Address: michaeld@mkdtechnologies.com
Address: 6504 Clay Allison Pass, Austin, Texas 78749

How to Obtain Quotes and Place Purchase Orders (POs)

Please use the contact email in the table above to reach MKD Technologies, Inc. regarding Quotes and Purchase Orders (POs.) POs must be payable to MKD Technologies, Inc.

Catalog of Services Offered

Products and Services

MKD Technologies, Inc. has significant expertise in software engineering solutions and would like to provide the services in the CISV Class and Item codes listed below, as well as any other items mentioned on the company’s web page.

This includes Software Engineering services in the following areas:

Enterprise Architecture & Software Integration

Custom Software Development

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning

Relational Databases (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server)

NoSQL Databases (Cassandra, Neo4j, MongoDB)

Program Management / Product Management Services

DIR Staff Augmentation Services

Maintenance, Repair and Support Plan

MKD Technologies, Inc. wants total customer satisfaction of all its clients. This includes You, the State of Texas customer. We will do our best to meet your needs in product support and service. If you have questions concerning the software you licensed from our company or any other services you received, please contact our Technical Support Line at 512-784-9607 or send email to: support@mkdtechnologies.com and ask for Michael Daskalantonakis. Our regular business hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm, Texas time.

NOTE: If the product you purchased is under warranty by a third party vendor or manufacturer and in need of service, contact us as indicated above and we will help you obtain a resolution from such third party.

Statement of Guarantee

We will make available equivalent replacement parts for any hardware product manufactured by MKD Technologies, Inc. and sold to the State of Texas for at least 3 years after such a product is (if ever) discontinued. Also, If the State of Texas has purchased our software maintenance and support plan for any software product it licensed from MKD Technologies, Inc., the State of Texas will receive a resolution of any issues reported consistent with the plan and as long as such plan is still in effect.

Additional Services Offered Class-item List Price State Price
Software Engineering Professional Services

918-29, 918-28, 918-30, 918-12, 918-14, 918-20, 918-21, 918-32, 918-38, 918-42, 918-75, 918-79, 918-83, 918-88, 918-93

$160.00 per hr See table above with DIR pricing per function
Data Processing, Computer, and Software Services
920-40, 920-14, 920-44, 920-07, 920-04, 920-29, 920-31, 920-37, 920-45, 920-46, 920-91, 920-95, 920-2, 920-16, 920-18, 920-19, 920-20, 920-21, 920-22, 920-23, 920-24, 920-25, 920-26, 920-27, 920-28, 920-32, 920-33, 920-34, 920-35, 920-42, 920-43, 920-47, 920-48, 920-49, 920-50, 920-56, 920-63, 920-65, 920-77, 920-84, 920-90, 920-94, 920-96
$160.00 per hr See table above with DIR pricing per function

Note 1: The software services that MKD Technologies, Inc. provides include the following additional classes as well: 208, 209, 915, 924, 925, 956, 958, 961, 962, 990.

Note 2: The information in this web page (including the discounted hourly rates) applies to business conducted with the State of Texas only, and it is subject to change without notice.